Le Strato Courchevel

Crédits : Charlène Campos. Translation: Jill Harry. Pictures: RR

Les Héritiers

An encounter with Pierre Dubois who, with Aimé Cecil, form Les Héritiers, the duo who designed the interior decoration of Le Strato, down to the smallest detail.

Tell us about your first encounter with Jeannine and Laurent Boix-Vives.

At the time, we had been recommended by one of our clients in Grenoble. In fact, we work as much for private individuals as we do for professionals. It was an incredible human encounter and we were immediately on the same wavelength. They placed their trust in us instantly. That very day, Madame Boix-Vives had glanced through a magazine in which there featured an article about us. She saw it as a sign. 

What was the guideline?

Madame wanted neither an ostentatious hotel nor a Heidi chalet (laughter). She wanted a contemporary family house of discreet luxury.

What is the particularity of the decoration of Le Strato?

It tells a story, that of the Boix-Vives family and more precisely that of the Rossignol adventure. Throughout there are small references to the ski world: micro perforated metal lampshades bear photos of skiers while the armrests of armchairs take on the form of skis. In the corridors, white opaline walls bring to mind the white of snow whereas the alabaster furniture in the lobby conjures up glaciers.

Can you tell us a little about the renovation works undertaken before the reopening?

Le Strato has entered into a new decade and with it, a new chapter of its history. For some guests, it represents their second home so it was important to reserve a surprise for them with this much awaited reopening. Hence, we have given a new breath of life to the lobby, restaurant and bar. Next season, it will be the turn of the rooms to surprise the guests. 

To find out about Les Héritiers collections and their interior decoration projects:

Enter the world of Le Strato in the 3 Vallées region for an unforgettable stay!

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